Travel with Baby

A few thoughts on travelling with baby (and spellchecker be damned! I swear travelling has two Ls). I can't quite call them "tips" because I've only done it once, but these are my general observations:

1) Travel up front. Especially when your baby is still riding on your lap. Do whatever you can to upgrade. If you have the means, buy first or business. Those big seats, more room between the seats (for baby's head to rest), the (I swear they're nicer) flight attendants, the smoother ride. It's worth it. So so worth it.

2) Don't travel at night. Our first flight was after little E's bedtime, and I thought "perfect! She'll surely sleep the whole time." But, and maybe this is just my baby, her I-want-to-sleep-but-keep-being-awakened cries are ten times more shrill than the regular I'm-bored variety. Plus, when others around you are trying to sleep a baby crying is WAY more annoying than when everyone around you is awake.

3) Get some help from chemistry. I was going to say "drugs" but thought it may go over poorly. Our girl is 6 months and a quick call to the pediatrician confirmed that baby Zyrtec is A-OK. So the ride home was significantly better than the (non-zyrtec) ride there. I also hear good things about Benadryl, but we couldn't find any at the pharmacy. She slept like a little angel. People around us even commented on what a good baby we have (if they only knew).

4) Have your friend who has flown with a baby before to write a list of things for you to bring. Karen did this for me and if I find it when I unpack I'll post it in the comments. Priceless. She even wrote "nail scissors" on my list and I thought "bah! don't need that." Totally needed that.

Other tips?


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