Good Night, friends.
Good Night Moon - what's the big friggin deal?
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on Thursday, February 4, 2010
I've never understood the vast obsession with this children's book. My mom didn't read it to us (she thinks it's boring) and I never reach for it to read to Ava. Trendy? Perhaps. As I've come to understand, having a baby is like trying to fit in to the cool crowd in high school? Instead of popular friends, it's popular baby gear. But I digress. Anyway, maybe it's because of the vintage copyright date? I prefer books like Chicka-chicka Boom-boom (sing songy and I have it memorized) and Guess How Much I Love You (How sweet). Perhaps I'll lose mama friends for admitting that I think Good Night Moon sucks, but I guess I'm going to have to risk that loss.
Agreed. And I dislike even more that stupid "Goodnight Chicago" book I got 16 copies of before Ellie was born.
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